Singing in the Victory

Singing in the Victory

After taking over region No. 1, Lin Huang summoned Bai and the rest.

All the immortal-level rank-9 and imperial-level monsters at the region were involved.

Lin Huang initially intended to insert the God Figurine into his body as he wanted to visualize the True Spirit Encyclopedia to train his combat soul.

After he thought about it carefully, he knew that he had to stay at the Fallen God Land for more than a month. If he could not level up to immortal-level rank-4, the combat strength of Bai and the rest would remain at immortal-level rank-9.

The combat strength of Bloody's Parasitic Puppet would be restricted as well. The highest level of combat strength they could achieve would only be crimson gold-rank. They had to sell the yellow gold-rank monsters that had been killed.

As for the combat strength of Kylie's Nephilic Judges, they would all be stuck at immortal-level rank-9 as well.