Such Big Nostrils

It was a new beginning after the New Year.

Early morning on the 9th, Mr. Fu made everyone breakfast. He bade farewell to Lin Huang after that.

Bai and the rest did not want to Mr. Fu to leave. Tyrant was so close to crying.

"To be honest, I'm not worthy of being called your master. You're on your own path now and you're doing better than I expected you to. There's nothing that I could teach you any longer." Mr. Fu completely gave up the thought of staying a few more days to teach Lin Huang cultivation after witnessing his cultivation speed in sword skills for the past few days.

"Please don't say that, Master. What you've taught me is much more important than Sword Dao and ability." Lin Huang really admired Mr. Fu for sacrificing so much for the humans of the world.

"You little fellas, listen to your master. I won't cook for those who are disobedient," Mr. Fu warned Tyrant and the rest of imperial monsters that nodded immediately.