Deadly Ruins

Deadly Ruins

After logging out of the Genius Union, Lin Huang, who was sitting on the hotel couch, felt relieved.

He thought he would be beaten up by Jian Fei and the rest if he told the truth. How could he have thought that everyone would say politely that it was great to know the truth?

However, he heard that Jian Fei died six times on the Stairway Tree on the first day the bug horde broke out while the other eight of them died at least three to four times.

Meanwhile, the other Heaven Alliance members who participated in the bug hordes died at least twice.

How could he have thought that his ability to kill the Queen Mothers like they were insignificant monsters to be so powerful? Even if Jian Fei and the rest were to attack him at once, they would be beaten and dragged on the ground.

Jian Fei and the rest would only dare to curse him secretly. They would not really do anything to him.