Returning to Sweep City Again

Soon, Lin Huang found the few items that Tyrant and Bai needed for their elevation as he browsed the Stairway Mall. He put them into the shopping cart one after another.

The god relic ax that Tyrant needed was the most expensive one. Its original price was 80 billion Stairway points, but luckily for Lin Huang, he had a 40% discount because he was the deputy chief of the Heaven Alliance, so he purchased it at 48 billion points.

The second most expensive item was the ton of demigod's blood Bai needed which was originally priced at 50 billion Stairway points.

The third most expensive was the star core which originally cost 30 billion Stairway points.

He purchased everything at a 40% discount, spending a total of 105 billion Stairway points. By then, he was only left with slightly more than 20 billion Stairway points.

"It's almost time I drop by Sweep City."