The Five Princes Are An Era

Lin Huang stepped into the dimensional portal after disguising as Lin Xie with a demigod-level mask. He arrived at First City in Division 1.

He arrived at the southwestern side of Union Square immediately and found the Stabubucks Coffee that he had been once before.

After ordering a cup of coffee, he found an empty table under a gigantic sun umbrella. He browsed through the Genius Union forum while drinking his coffee.

Suddenly, he realised that almost all of the topics were about him.

He opened a few trending threads and read the contents. Compared to the judgmental comments before, most of them complimented him.

Lin Huang even saw a few familiar user names who used to condemn him frequently, but they were teasing themselves for having misjudged him now.

As he was reading the threads, a man wearing black leather shoes walked straight to his table.