Rewards for Breaking Through

"Congratulations to the Deputy Chief of the Heaven Alliance, Lin Xie, for breaking through the 79th checkpoint and breaking the Stairway Tree record!

"Congratulations to the Deputy Chief of the Heaven Alliance, Lin Xie, for breaking through the 80th checkpoint and breaking the Stairway Tree record!

"Congratulations to the Deputy Chief of the Heaven Alliance, Lin Xie, for breaking through the 81st checkpoint and breaking the Stairway Tree record!

"Congratulations to the Deputy Chief of the Heaven Alliance, Lin Xie, for breaking the Stairway Tree record. You're rewarded with a Godhead (Virtual God rank-9)!

"Congratulations to the Deputy Chief of the Heaven Alliance, Lin Xie, for breaking the Stairway Tree record. You're rewarded with a Godhead (Virtual God rank-9)!

"Congratulations Lin Xie for breaking through all checkpoints on the Stairway Tree. You're rewarded with a soul marrow (first-rank True God-level)!