Hunter Association’s Appointment

The Memory Card only took less than three hours to download everything in the Central Library.

In reality, Lin Huang had been cultivating Seamless with his eyes closed during the few hours. He only opened his eyes when the Memory Card had downloaded all of the information and become memories in his head.

It was not even 12 p.m. when he checked the time. It would not make sense for him to stay, so he stood up and left.

He ate something around the library and contacted the chief of the Union Government, Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan was surprised to see that it was Lin Huang who called. He picked up anyway.

Lin Huang asked while smiling as soon as the video call was connected, "Master Chief, could you help me change the slot that I booked for the archive visit tomorrow to today instead?"

"Didn't you apply to visit the library today?" Jiang Shan asked with his brow raised. He knew that Lin Huang submitted the applications yesterday.