Advanced Monster Paradise

Once he had seen the third layer of the Abyss Brink completely stripped away and all the dimensional gateways vanish completely, only then was Lin Huang finally able to exhale a long breath.

The impending danger posed by Myriad Tribe Palace could be considered temporarily resolved for the time being.

Lin Huang also detached himself from his merged state with the world will, and his consciousness returned to his body in faraway Emperor City.

He had only just come to his senses when the world will returned to him almost immediately.

It transformed once more into a cloud of dense, humanoid-shaped fog and flew around Lin Huang several times to express its inner elation.

Although the world will was not fully sentient, it could sense that the threat brought on by the dimensional gateways had been removed.

It circled Lin Huang several times and suddenly dived into Lin Huang's inner core again, entering the God Territory within him.