Kids Who Are Digging Their Own Graves

After ending his conversation with Bloody, Lin Huang pondered for a while and decided to bring forward his intended hunting time.

"Your other materials can be put aside for now; you can look at them when you've come back from the hunt. Today, memorize the monster guide—tomorrow we're going hunting first thing in the morning!"

After sending this message to the newly formed chat group, Lin Huang tagged everyone. 

"What happened? Why are we suddenly in such a hurry?" Mr. Fu was the first one to pop up and ask.

He had only achieved his breakthrough to true god-level not too long ago and was still adjusting to the novelty of coming to the great world. He had only just begun to relax and had not expected Lin Huang to bring the originally-scheduled hunting time forward. 

"Kylie has run into some problems on her end, so I need to upgrade my combat level to true god-level as soon as possible," Lin Huang explained briefly.