Abyssal Zone

After exchanging information, Lin Huang and Xia Bing still did not come to an accurate conclusion despite spending some time discussing.

They could only speculate that the Raiders had a very clear goal of creating conflicts, seizing the exploration opportunity this time to stir up trouble. They wanted to break up the major organizations in the Eastern Eight Zone.

The two of them could not really figure out why their actions were so radical this time.

"So what do you plan to do next?" Xia Bing asked.

"What else? I'll continue to hunt and conveniently kill Raiders if I run into them," Lin Huang answered directly without even thinking about it.

"Do you want to team up with me to conduct a follow-up investigation?" Xia Bing suddenly invited him.

Lin Huang was momentarily stunned, after which he subsequently realized the reason why she invited him.