Two Possibilities

Lin Huang, Bloody and Sword 1 gathered in the lounge.

"How is it going with the Sword Alliance lately?" Lin Huang took the lead in asking.

"We've already completed the registration process at Royal, and we've started to accept missions." Sword 1 paused as soon as he was done speaking. He sneakily lifted his head to peep at Lin Huang before continuing to speak, "We've also spread the news of us recruiting new people but… nobody is applying."

"There are many who inquired, but they aren't even willing to come for the interview after finding out about us."

"What do you guys think the issue is?" Lin Huang raised his brows. In reality, he expected such a situation to happen.

Bloody said nothing when she heard that question. Instead, she looked at Sword 1 quickly.

Sword 1 felt his throat dry up and gulped before speaking again, "I think we're too weak at the moment. We're not good enough to attract new members to join."