One, Two, Three, Statue

As soon as the machine-like female voice rang out, Grimace, who had transformed into a gigantic tree, stretched out hundreds of millions of his branches, which charged toward the three Outer Gods like a net.

The Outer Gods dodged immediately, but the branches pursued them, making it difficult for them to shake the attack off.

The three of them moved as fast as they could, dodging frantically along the way.

Very soon, the branches from the gigantic tree had almost spread across the entire space.

The Outer Gods soon realized that the space in which they could maneuver had rapidly shrunk.

They shifted their strategy instantly and began to fight back, clearing out the branches that were coming at them.

However, the tree that Grimace had transformed into was not to be underestimated either. His recovery ability was rather terrifying.

All of the branches seemed to regenerate quickly the moment they were chopped off.