Who Exactly Are You?

Lan Yaoguang blabbered on. Gu Xijiu heaved a heavy sigh. How could she not remember? Brother Huang, Huang Tu, Di Fuyi or even The Lord, they were all the same person.

"I remember," she slowly answered. Her eyes swept across the hall. "Did he send me here? Where is he now?"

"He has some matters to attend to. He just left," Lan Yaoguang explained. To ease her mind, he added, "Sister, don't you worry. You are always on his mind. He has played a huge part in your resurrection. This is the body that he found for you. He is also the one who has collected all the parts all your soul, not forgetting the formation of this array. For six thousand years, he has always been busy trying to resurrect you."

Gu Xijiu did not know what to say. She took a deep breath. Honestly, she was a little confused. She was very sure that she was Gu Xijiu, as she still had all of her memories. However, she was not sure if she was Lan Jingke, as she had some fragments of her memory as well.