The Inducement

Yun Yanli launched a strike at the big ice cube. The attack did not break the ice but somehow managed to hurt the man inside the ice cube. The attack severely hurt the victim, and the complexion on his face slowly faded away. He could not help but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

His blood had stained almost every corner of the ice on the inside. Shocked, Yun Yanli finally noticed that the man's body was slowly melting away. Could he be a jellyfish? Once a jellyfish dies, it would just melt away in the water.

Yun Yanli had fallen for a few of the man's trick, so he dared not make another move just yet. He tried to read the man's pulse by placing his hand on the surface of the ice. To his dismay, he found out that the man was slowly losing signs of life.