Delivery Man Nearly Goes Mad

There wasn't much to deliver today and if he could finish it early, it would be a waste of money not to work while he had nothing to do. Not wasting his life was a principle of his, so Hu Tan had accepted the delivery job. In the beginning, he had been actually rather happy, but things escalated in a way that were not as smooth as he imagined.

One Finger Village had been easy to find, but he was surprised to spend half an hour looking for Region 0, #1 without succeeding. He looked through the entirety of One Finger Village, from front to back and he even did so five or six times, without being able to find Region 0, #1. When he tried calling the receiver, he constantly got a notification that the number he called had the phone turned off. Later on, the villagers even began to suspect that he was up to no good and looked at him suspiciously. Some even rolled up their sleeves and asked him, "What are you doing? Why are you going around our village for?"