Chaos from one Phrase

Zhao Datong had also attached a picture of himself of which he believed they showed his handsome side. However, there were crumpled tissues beside his bed and even more on the floor.

No matter how uneducated Fangzheng was, he immediately understood the mystery behind the problem. He answered, "Amitabha. Patron, don't worry. Just take care to receive semen!"

It was the first time Fangzheng was using a smartphone, so he had made a typographical error! He wanted to correct the error when he realized it, but he heard footsteps from outside and a chaotic brouhaha. Someone was even shouting his name! Fangzheng hurriedly went out.

At the same time, in a particular lecture hall in Jida University's Sports College, a middle-aged female teacher was giving everyone a biological lesson. There were two enlarged diagrams of the human anatomy which left quite a number of girls blushing.