This Temple Again?

"Here comes the problem. We are supposed to avoid aversion and anger, but isn't there the Glaring Vajra? And even Buddha has the Wisdom King form. So it's impossible for an ordinary person like me to be completely void of anger, right?"

"Ding! You can be angry but as a master, you should simultaneously have a benevolent heart. Just because a person doesn't trust you and makes some nasty remarks, is there a need to turn ballistic and argue back, fight, or even kill? Resembling Buddha when void of anger, resembling Buddha when in anger! When Buddhism talks about being void of anger, it does not mean to tolerate everything. Where the boundary lies is determined based on your own experiences."

Fangzheng was surprised as he said with a wry smile, "I think I understand. One should be angry when one is supposed to be angry, while one shouldn't be angry when one shouldn't. Is that right?"