Expensive Bet

Wu Changxi was immediately incensed and lost his final bit of sanity. He pointed at Ouyang Huazai and shouted, "Ouyang Huazai! Don't take bullying to an extreme! I know you are a calligraphy expert, but you are not qualified to bullsh*t if you didn't see it with your own eyes! If you have the ability, come up the mountain with me to verify it. If you aren't capable, then back the f*ck off!"

"Assh*le!" Ouyang Huazai was angered too. It had been years since anyone had dared to glare at him and curse him.

The Calligraphy Association's President, Jiang Songyun, hurriedly came forward to alleviate the situation. "Gentlemen, please stop arguing. Can I say something fair on this matter?"

Seeing Jiang Songyun speak, Wu Changxi was slightly appeased as he said, "President, please share your comments."