Bathing Buddha

When Liu Yuan blew at the bowl of congee, she caught a whiff of the Laba Congee's fragrance. When she looked at the gorgeous lotus seeds and the various Buddha and arhat in them, her eyes were filled with shock! She had never seen such exquisite congee in all her life! Furthermore, the fragrance it suffused was enough to leave her stomach's insides groaning from a mere whiff, so how would it be when she took a bite at it?

At that moment, Tan Juguo said with a laugh, "Alright, stop looking at it. Dig in. We brought enough bowls, so don't just watch. Have your meal. I never expected that this kid, Fangzheng, actually had such skills. Hehehe."

When Liu Yuan heard that, she blushed. Although she wanted to eat it, she was a little embarrassed. She quickly handed the bowl to Tan Juguo and ran to get her scoop of congee with bowl in hand.