The Bitter Chen Jin

"We are far away!" yelled Chen Long.


Almost in an instant, the door was blasted open violently. Air spewed in as the flames surged. The fire became even stronger!

The person outside could not enter with such a large fire, right? We're doomed.

Chen Long, Su Hong, and company had such a thought flash through their minds.

However, a figure actually appeared amid the flames. Following that, the figure directly walked through the sea of flames. He punched and kicked, hurtling the burning items at the door away. One of the roof beams that was completely in flames was lifted up by that person and thrown out!

"Is he Superman? That wooden beam should be unmovable even if there were three or four people." Chen Long was dumbfounded.

Su Hong snapped out of her daze and identified Fangzheng. She shouted, "Fangzheng?! Is that you?"