The Master's Tragedy of being Single (Part 1/2)

He Feifei looked at Guan Yin Bodhisattva in a daze, "Bodhisattva, what do you mean?"

Bodhisattva had no intention to explain. Instead, she asked, "Do you really wish to meet Meng Yuan once again? Regardless of the cost?"

Hearing Guan Yin Bodhisattva mention her wish directly, she was given a fright. She had never told anyone of the secret, not even Chen Bin who she was closest to. She had only mentioned it to Guan Yin Bodhisattva so the tiny doubts in heart instantly vanished when it was repeated back at her.

He Feifei quickly kowtowed, "Bodhisattva, please grant my wish. I'm willing to pay any price!"

"Five centuries for a look. Are you willing to wait?" asked Bodhisattva.

"Five centuries?" He Feifei was stunned. Wasn't that extremely long? The moment she thought of him, she firmly nodded. "Yes!"

"This look will require you to abandon everything you have—family and friends. Are you still willing to do so?"