Hackers Seek Reinforcements

"David, why did you infiltrate a hospital?" Luca was stunned.

"The virus spread and I don't have a say over who gets infected. These three hospitals were rather unlucky to get infected. Now don't disturb my business. Someone from their side is here," mentioned David impatiently.

"David, that's a hospital. According to our agreement, they are not to be touched! It could cause deaths. It's something utterly devoid of conscience," said Luca.

David's expression turned cold as he enunciated his words sharply, "Luca, you better watch that tone of yours. What I do is none of your business. It is also not under the jurisdiction of the hackers' agreement!"

David hung up and cursed, "Good-for-nothing and a busybody at that."

Then, David quickly typed out a row of text, "Four million US dollars and I will unlock it for you. Not one cent less. I know that your St. Mary Hospital is rich. I believe you would not mind sharing such a tiny bit of cash, right?"