Like a Mad Dog

Fangzheng looked at Huang Lanlan and said indifferently, "You have committed a heinous sin but still hope for Buddha to bless you with a child? Huang Lanlan, committing sins causes negative karma. Now that you are plagued by negative karma, how do you plan on conceiving? Being unable to conceive is only the beginning."

When Huang Lanlan heard that, she felt a jolt through her heart. She kept the matter a secret. None in the village knew of it. Even her husband did not know. But Fangzheng's words were full of certainty. There were definitely skeletons in her closet! Huang Lanlan knew that the monk must have known something…

Huang Lanlan glared at Fangzheng, "How much do you know about me?"

"If you do not want people to know, don't do it." He walked to the temple hall, "If you wish to have a child, think carefully about redeeming your sins. This Penniless Monk does not have a secret recipe. The only recipe is merit."