Sweep the Streets Together

Liu Daifen felt assured. Having lost all her savings, she was unsure how to make ends meet the coming days. It would be a huge burden on her if she had to offer a sizable amount of money for the monk's exorcism. She had come to One Finger Monastery mainly because it had recently been the talk of the town. But one of the most pertinent reasons was that it was a small monastery in the area and she could probably save some money by approaching it…

Fangzheng smiled as he noticed Liu Daifen motionless after he finished speaking. "This Penniless Monk still has matters to tend to and shall bid you farewell. Patron, feel free to do as you please."

Fangzheng returned to his backyard. Everyone had their pride. If he stayed outside, it would make it more difficult for Liu Daifen to donate a yuan. He sighed as he complained to himself. "I only have about two yuan that can be used… Why am I pitying others? I'm truly born poor… It sucks to be poor."