One Palm Strike

Out of options, the foreman could only bring this matter up with Wang Yougui.

Wang Yougui laughed when he heard the foreman's recount. "Bro, what are you thinking? We watched Venerable Fangzheng grow up. His character is impeccable and he's definitely not as you describe him to be. There must be a reason why he is standing there. As long as he doesn't cause you any trouble in your construction work, you shouldn't need to worry about him."

"It's not that I'm worried. But with him standing there every day, it doesn't stop the wagging of tongues despite both you and I saying that it's nothing of importance. This construction site is almost turning into a Brokeback Mountain chat group," grumbled the foreman.

"Fine, I'll ask him about it. If there's really something he needs to do, just ignore him on your side. If there's nothing amiss, I'll persuade him to return, deal?" Wang Yougui with a smiled.

"Deal! It's settled! Bro, I'll be waiting for good news."