
Zhou Wu nearly blew his top when he heard that, but he obviously did not have the mind to bicker with Dog Song. Without saying a word, he ran off. He no longer cared for the bamboo shoots. He did not realize that his hand had slipped previously, taking one final picture.

Ge Yan and Zhou Wenwu chased after Zhou Wu when they saw him run. Ge Yan subconsciously swept her gaze at the bamboo shoots that were strewn on the ground. The frightening shock made her broke out in a cold sweat. There was definitely something wrong with the moles. There was absolutely no reason for them to appear all of a sudden! However, she did not dare voice her conjecture out loud. Who would believe her? Even she did not believe it herself as she muttered, "It has to be a coincidence. A coincidence…"

Zhou Wu ran down the mountain whilst covering his face. He did not even dare look up. But as he felt his hairy face, he felt like dying. It was too ugly and disgusting. Was he even still human?