Rest All Of You

Fangzheng took a careful look but could not identify him from his face. It was covered in black hair, but his build and dressing did belong to Zhou Wu. Fangzheng was instantly amused. "This Mole Spell is truly awesome! This guy is even more awesome. Wasting a Frost Bamboo grows a mole the size of a fingernail, but this guy ended up covering his face with moles. Didn't he feel it? Greed is indeed a fundamental sin."

Despite bursting in joy inwardly, Fangzheng remained composed on the surface. He smiled faintly, "Amitabha. So it's you, Patron Zhou. You came just in time."

Came just in time? Zhou Wu was at a loss. What was the meaning of that? Did the monk know that he would come? But what did his coming have anything to do with the monk? Or had he planned on getting rid of the moles and hair on his face already?

At that moment, a loud shout sounded from behind Fangzheng, "Make way! Make way! Water is being fetched!"