When are they coming?

As Red Boy saw Fangzheng get ready to leave, he immediately chased after him, "Master, it's fine if you do not permit me to go out alone, but can't you bring me along with you? Perhaps I'll recall once I'm in a good mood."

Fangzheng thought about it and indeed, with nothing important to do, it was better to go out than to stay on the mountain. There was no way of anything happening on the mountain anyway.

He opened the Formless Door once again.

At that instant, Fangzheng felt a heat wave inundate him. It brought with it a scorching heat that seemed to lack even the tiniest bit of water vapor! At the same time, he heard the neighing of horses and people shouting. Amid the chaos, he seemed to hear children crying, "Thirsty…"

Fangzheng watched carefully and listened to everything that could be of use. He wanted to prevent the awkward situation of not being able to find his mission goal and have to walk all the way back to Mt. One Finger.