Stay Behind

With that said, Fangzheng left quickly. Red Boy was stunned. What was the meaning of this? Following that a scented gust of wind blew over. Yao Yuxin sat in front of him and said with great solemnity, "Little guy, you actually gave your master a lesson? Why? Have you secretly drunk before? I'm telling you. Children %$#…$&"

Red Boy was immediately left too deep for tears. He immediately leaped up and exclaimed, "Amitabha. Female Patron, I need to relieve myself too. Master, wait for me!"

Red Boy scampered off to chase up to Fangzheng.

At the latrine, Red Boy said with sorrow, "Master, you have betrayed me every time. How can you be this disloyal?"

"We are master and disciple. When a master is in danger, a disciple naturally has to help in warding off the danger. Besides, you are a demon king, and you are now the Child of Wealth. You are a deity! This Penniless Monk is only an ordinary monk. If anything happens, you should bear the brunt of it."