There's Water

Upon seeing this scene, all He Ming could do was thank them profusely. But he received even more thanking in return.

When Fangzheng saw this, all he could do was sigh. True kindness beget true kindness. It was not strange that He Ming could receive such treatment.

However, what shocked Fangzheng was that another person arrived in the village in the evening!

"Liu Yuan?" He Ming was dumbfounded.

Standing by the door of He Ming's new house stood a woman wearing jeans, a blue blouse, and a sun hat. She was quiet, but she smiled very sweetly.

"Why are you here?" He Ming asked perplexed.

Liu Yuan smiled faintly, "You do know I teach Chinese and Literature, right? After I graduate, I plan on becoming a teacher. Now that the pressure of getting a job is so high and the children here are lacking teachers, I have decided to be a teacher here."