Leaving the Mountain!

In a tiny yard, with a quaint building behind him, a young monk was pleasantly eating food that could be said to resemble a treasure as he held it in his hands. It was a very beautiful scene. However, as one panned one's view to another side, the scene changed completely…

Monkey had peeled off a portion of the dumpling leaves before stuffing everything into his mouth and swallowing it down. He did not taste anything and instead stared at the others around him disingenuously.

Lone Wolf flung his ass at him and was sadly forced to realize that paws were not useful in such particular instances. He could not peel away the leaves! In his rage, he stuffed the entire dumpling into his mouth. When he bit at it, his mouth was filled with Crystal Rice and the dumpling leaves, but the latter could not be chewed properly. He was unable to swallow it, yet he could not bear to spit it out either. The wolf felt too deep for tears.