This Dumpling Is Poisoned

As the village promoted Frost Bamboo, it became increasingly more popular. Not to mention the filming crew that had lived in the village, which had also served as promotion. Hence now, there was a constant stream of people who came not only for the bamboo's superb taste, but also to visit the bamboo forest and to admire the charms of the farming life. The quick-thinking Xie Dongsheng had been the first to open up a rural tourism spot, benefiting from the village's popularity.

He had spent a good deal of money recently to renovate his place, making it spick and span. There were full length windows that allowed sunlight to enter, lighting up the room nicely. It eased one's mind greatly. He also decorated it with some bonsai as well as obtained some special local delicacies. With the help of his son who had studied gastronomy, he enjoyed a constant stream of customers.

People who wanted to eat at his place needed to make a phone reservation.