Getting Free Meals Through a Dog

Chen Wei rolled his eyes at Wang Kun. "Who's your bro? He's a monk. You should call him master. Master, is this dog for sale?"

Fangzheng thought Chen Wei knew better at first, but the moment he finished his sentence, it was obvious he was a layman when it came to Buddhism. Fangzheng pressed his palms together. "Amitabha, this dog is not for sale."

Wang Kun and Chen Wei had only asked in passing. They really liked Lone Wolf, but they could do nothing about it if Fangzheng was not selling.

However the duo were unwilling to let the matter rest. Wang Kun came up with an idea as he asked, "Monk, where do you live?"

Chen Wei immediately understood what Wang Kun's intent was. "Master, which monastery do you cultivate at?"

Fangzheng shook his head slightly. "This Penniless Monk is on a cultivation tour and temporarily doesn't have a place to stay."