Baddy Master

Ouyang Fenghua suddenly suggested, "Bro, hold back your anger for a moment. Can I take a look at your ticket?"

"What's there to see!? Didn't I show it to you? Stop disturbing me!" The man glared at them as he yelled back. Only when he realized that the person speaking was a beauty did his voice soften. Then he turned around and glared at Fangzheng. "What are you looking at?" The man was like a reactive explosive that would explode upon contact.

Fangzheng attempted to mention his discovery a few times, but stopped when he received menacing glares. Fangzheng shook his head in resignation, stepped back and fell silent.

When Red Boy and Ouyang Fenghua saw this, they felt quite aggrieved for Fangzheng. Red Boy whispered, "Master, what do we do? Your seat has been taken. Why don't you sit in my seat? Or should I throw him out?"

Fangzheng fondled Red Boy's head. "Jingxin, you are a monk. It's not good to have violent thoughts all the time."