An Awesome Person Doesn't Speak (Part 2/2)

However Fangzheng did not say a word. Instead, Zhineng spoke first. "Venerable Fangzheng, This Penniless Monk would like to ask. Did you go to a hotel to get a room last night with this female patron?"

Zhiyun immediately understood Zhineng as he echoed, "Right, did you?"

The other monks looked over as well. All of them stared intently at Fangzheng, as Fangzheng nodded without any hesitation, Yes, but—"

"If there's a yes, why do you need any buts? If you did it, you should have the guts to admit it," Zhiyun rushed to speak out.

Zhineng did not give Fangzheng a chance to continue either. He said to Yi Xing and Hong Jin, "Venerable Ones, you heard it for yourself." He then asked Fangzheng, "Senior Brother Tongguang mentioned the rules very clearly to you just now, but you refused to heed them. You even wanted to quarrel. Did this happen?"