Using Knives

The person who had intercepted the blow was none other than Fangzheng!

"F**k, you even dare fight back!?" Fierce Face raised his foot to deliver a kick!

Fangzheng's foot was even faster than his. Stamping his foot down onto the ground with a bang, the cement floor cracked open! Everyone sensed that shocking sensation as Fierce Face did not even dare deliver his kick after raising it. If he could crack the cement ground with his foot, what would happen if that kick landed on his body? Just the thought made him break out into a cold sweat.

Long Face raised the bench to smash it at Fangzheng, only to realize in horror that Fangzheng had raised the massive gambling table with a single hand over his head! Fangzheng smiled. "Amitabha. Patron, if you hit This Penniless Monk once, This Penniless Monk will hit you once to harmonize the karma. How about that?"