Divine Powers of Mortals

Luo Yang looked at the little remaining stone, wooden planks, and bricks as he said with a dumbfounded look, "Master Ma, if I don't recall wrongly, there was still a lot of materials here yesterday. Why is it almost all gone today?"

"Well, people…" Master Ma was also agape as he kept muttering. "It's been decades. I haven't seen such scenes in decades. F**k, Luo Yang, you can continue watching. I'll be moving the stone."

"Master Ma, you are a skilled worker."

"F**k skill. Don't call me Master Ma. I'm still young! Haha! I feel like I have turned decades younger. This feeling is f**king awesome!" Master Ma shirked off his usually pedantic and bookish mannerisms by taking off his jacket, and he took a step forward with his arms bare. He looked decades younger, resembling a high-spirited youth. There were even women who cheered for Master Ma.