A Good Scare Is Worth More Than Good Advice

As Lu Xin explained, Fangzheng's expression turned darker the more he listened. Indeed, all the pies in the sky from before were nothing but a scam. The true goal was to rope people in! The more people roped in, the greater the benefits!

Fangzheng could not fathom the rationale. If it were really so easy to earn money, the situation wouldn't be so bad that Xu Yin, who was a Family Carrier, had to look so malnourished. Even a Leader had to eat mantous! As for becoming a Partner, that was likely another pie in the sky! Yet there were people who believed in such an obvious scam. Fangzheng found their thoughts inexplicable, but there was one thing Fangzheng was certain of—he was very angry!

Lu Xin said a few more motivational words which stirred the excitement in the crowd. It was as though all that she had talked about could be accomplished in a day.

At that moment Lu Xin suddenly looked at Fangzheng. "Our new friend, do you have any questions?"