Tomb Raiders

Ying Zi agreed. "Indeed, although the drumming makes me feel frustrated, the bell's gong immediately wipes all my frustrations away. It's like… It's like…"

"Just like when you're constipated! The drumming is like the muscle relaxant that lets it all spew out, while the bell's gong is like the toilet paper you wipe your ass with. It's obviously gonna be comfortable to have a nice sh*t and then wipe yourself clean," interjected Zhang Zi.

"Screech!" A jarring screech was heard as the brakes were engaged. The van came to a sudden halt to the side of the road.

"Uncle Da, are you crazy? Doing an emergency stop like that can kill, you know!" exclaimed Zhang Zi.

"If you can die from a bit of emergency braking, what's the point of having you? Get out!" shouted Uncle Da.

"Ah… Ah? Get out? We haven't reached our destination yet, right?" Zhang Zi asked.