The Down and Out Zhang Zi

"Have you given up?" Fangzheng hurriedly shouted when he saw the bear on the brink of tears.

The bear had a bitter look. How was it to answer when it couldn't retract his tongue?

"Nod if you agree, and shake your head if you don't." Having found a way to subdue the bear, how could he so easily release the bear?

The bear had truly given up. It could not beat Fangzheng to death, and now, its tongue had been captured by him. The bear was no hero. Its life was the most important thing in the world to it; therefore, it nodded incessantly to express its capitulation.

"Then aren't you getting off?"

The bear quickly raised its ass as Fangzheng pulled his legs from under the bear's crushing body. Only then did he release his hand from the bear's tongue.

The moment he released his hand, the bear raised down and slapped Fangzheng to the ground! Fangzheng slammed back as he decisively reached out his hands and grabbed the bear's crotch!