Being Surrounded

"An ox! An ox!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Don't come over!"

"Save me!"

"Ahahaha, I'm rich! Rich! There is so much money!"

"Scram! If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time! I'll kill you! Kill!" That was Boor's voice.

Following that, Boss Xiong saw six people scramble down the tower. Two of them were laughing maniacally, one was a weeping mess, and another seemed to be a victim of rabies, biting anyone he saw. One had his head lowered as he yelled, "I'm an ox! I'm an ox with one leg! I'll bull rush you to death! Roar!" Behind them, Boor was brandishing his knife, slashing at anyone he saw. As he did so, he smiled nastily, "Run? Don't you even think of running! I'll kill you all!"