One Letian Peaceful Temple

Perfected Letian blushed and said, "I am actually not a pure Daoist. I became one midway in life, so there are things I do not know. Some time ago, I asked someone and learned something new. The disciples of the Three Pure Ones would usually sing 'Supreme Heavenly Lord' or Supreme Heavenly Lord of Primordial Unity' when greeting others. If they encountered believers who had met with mishaps, they would sing, 'Supreme Heavenly Lord of Primordial Unity and Hardship,' or 'Supreme Heavenly Lord of Primordial Unity and Salvation.' This call for help is a way to move the benevolent Heavenly Lord of Primordial Unity, similar to Buddhism's Guan Yin Bodhisattva. We wish for the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Unity to save the unfortunate and rescue them from hardship. This kind of greeting has been used for many years.