Down the Mountain

Fangzheng smiled. "I already told you a long time ago. In China, Buddhism and Daoism have both fused with the culture over long periods of time. Both religions have learned from each other's advantages and discarded their disadvantages, resulting in the present day Buddhism and Daoism. The core point of both of them is to make this world have more good and less evil.

"It is said that these festivals originate from the Daoist religion's three days on which the Three Offices tour the lower realm.

"The Daoist religion believes this day is the day for the Office of Earth's Emperor of Purity Void Who Liberates from Faults. To put it simply, it's a day when a high official descends to observe the people and correct the wrongly judged or to redress any injustices. On this day, Daoists chant sutras to receive the descent of the Office of Earth to liberate the evil ghosts, also performing rites for our ancestors.