One Boat, One Monk, One Umbrella

Daguang turned incontinent from his fright!

Bai Wenshui was a little bolder. He picked up a plate and smashed it at Lin Zhixian, but with a wave of his hand, the plate was reduced to smithereens. Then with a stamp of his foot, the ground exploded!

How could Bai Wenshui dare to attack by force when he saw this? He opened the windows and jumped out from them!

Upon seeing this, everyone did the same and began jumping out.

The restaurant was a floating restaurant. Half of it was on shore and the other on the river. Bai Wenshui's VIP room was the best. It was surrounded by water, allowing guests to take in the beautiful vistas. Hence their tragic jumping out the window resulted in all of them splashing into the water one by one.

"Master, what do we do now?" Red Boy asked.