Finding Fleas

The dream scene shattered the next moment as Zhao Yuhe suddenly opened his eyes. The originally dazed and confused him suddenly had zeal and hope fill his eyes. He looked at Fangzheng as Fangzheng nodded his head in a gesture.

Zhao Baolin walked over and patted Zhao Baolin's and Chai Hong's shoulders.

Zhao Baolin and Chai Hong looked up and saw Zhao Yuhe quickly depict something in sign language. The couple knew sign language, and as they saw what their son was saying, their eyes instantly turned moist.

Zhao Yuhe's words were simple: "Father, Mother, I know everything that happened. But don't worry. This home will not collapse. There's me! Your son is not a good-for-nothing. Your son will take care of you!"

Upon seeing this, Chai Hong wailed as she hugged Zhao Yuhe and sobbed. "My son has grown up. He has grown up. Sob. He has grown up!"