Buying Peace

"Ah?" Jing Yulong was pushed close to tears. Building a school, especially one that involved a technical skill, was not something that cost only a few hundred thousand. But the moment he realized that Jing Yan was not going to snitch on him, he heaved a sigh of relief. If he obtained the bell, he believed that with its preciousness, he would definitely not be faulted for his meritorious deeds. But now that he had failed to obtain anything, if the patriarch got wind of this, he would probably be banished from the family. He would then be a scion who could only idle his time and await his living allowance. That would be a worse feeling than death.

Therefore, although Jing Yulong was highly unwilling to do it and felt the pinch, he still nodded in agreement.

However, Jing Yulong still couldn't figure out why. He asked, "Sis, is there a need to do this? Must you treat me like that for an outsider?"

Jing Yan sneered. "I'm doing this to save you!"