Chrysanthemum Appreciation

The day passed by slowly.

Before Lame Ma left, he asked Fangzheng, "Abbot Fangzheng, tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival. How do you plan on spending the day?"

Fangzheng was taken aback. There is a festival tomorrow? He shook his head and said, "Haven't thought about it. We'll see."

After sending off Lame Ma, Fangzheng began thinking over the matter. Since it was the Double Ninth Festival and they had nothing better to do, he might as well bring his disciples out on an autumn outing.

With this in mind, Fangzheng made his decision.

He returned to One Finger Monastery and before he entered, he heard Red Boy's voice. "Senior Brothers, tomorrow is a festival!"

"Which one? Will there be delicious food to eat?" Squirrel, who had returned to the monastery first was the first to cry out.

"Tomorrow is the ninth day of the ninth month according to the Chinese calendar. Two visitors said that just now," replied Red Boy.