Two Beggars

Fangzheng was surprised as he replied curiously, "My dear disciple, this song's name is 'Vagabond Song.' It talks about a vagabond who goes out into society. Despite working hard outside, he has nothing to call his own. He misses home and the days with his mother. Be it the tune or the sorrow and desire embedded in this song, many people resonate with it or feel empathy. Why would you want to beat someone up now?"

Red Boy curled his lips. "Resonate and empathize my ass. For us, once we go out, either we return in glory or we die outside. This kind of people who attempt to forge their own path but fail to become anything are weaklings. They keep talking about missing home, but they couldn't even survive one episode in a tv series. For us, we either win or die trying. Everything has to be forged by our own hands."