
"Who is it?" The two were taken aback. There was another person in midair? How was that possible?

At that moment, the boulder above them turned around, and they saw a white-robed monk sitting cross-legged on it! He had his palms pressed together and wore a smile. He looked genial and exuded a certain sense of tranquility. It instantly calmed the horror in the two.

"You are…?" the captain asked subconsciously.

But Fangzheng shook his head. He reached out to grab the rope around the two people and gently tugged at it. He kept reducing their downward plummet, and by the time they arrived at the bottom of the cliff, all the force was completely reduced. Both of them felt their bodies land stably on the ground… However, they didn't feel at ease. Instead, they turned more nervous because the boulder which the monk was sitting on was just above them!

"Be careful!" The captain subconsciously kicked Cheng Mujie, hoping to send her out of the landing zone.