Drawing Something Weird

"Ding! Congratulations on randomly obtaining a Carp!" the System said.

Fangzheng was taken aback when he heard that. A carp? He stored up merit worth three or four good deeds only for a carp? Fangzheng was pissed, but after learning his lesson from the previous draws, he had turned smart. He didn't grumble, choosing to see what it was first.

"Do you accept it?" the System asked with an odd tone.

When Fangzheng heard that, he had a nagging feeling that there was something strange. He subconsciously returned the question. "Can I not?"

"Since you've drawn it, you have to accept it anyway," the System chuckled.

The ominous feeling in Fangzheng grew stronger, but he still nodded. "Then yes!"

The next moment, Fangzheng heard a tragic scream from above him. "Hey! Make way, dodge to the left!"